Bad Nativites

I think every year for the last few years someone reminds me of this website: Cavalcade of Bad Nativities. It is truly the best of the tacky...which is why I love it.

Here are a few of my favorites:


The Alien Angels

Look out, I gonna jump!

And my ultimate favorite:

Woo-Hoo! Rock on! I think I won something!



Anonymous said…
I should post a picture of the incredibly tacky nativity we made my aunt one year. They're nativity snowmen made of babyfood jars. Yep, that's right. And the baby Jesus is in a manger made of a Cafe Vienna tin.
stephanie said…
Oh, please do!

Cafe Vienna tin? There is something so awesome about that.
ptg said…
Outrageous! Space aliens! I'm afraid to click the link because I just ate a big meal.

Merry Christmas, Stephanie.
Genevieve Netz said…
That cowboy manger scene is a hoot.

We bought a little nativity box in Peru a long time ago. You open the doors, and inside are Mary, Joseph, and the manger. It's crudely made and very, very colorful.
stephanie said…
Merry Christmas to you as well, ptg.

Hi Genenieve! I haven't seen you around these parts in a while. I hope you had a great Christmas.

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