Giving Credit Where Credit's Due

Those of you who know me know how much I hate Wal-Mart. The hate began as nothing more than a disgust for a dirty store that always had too many people in it, until the abhorrent foreign labor practices and destruction of small-town America began. So I haven't shopped there for years.

That said, I must give credit where it is due. And what I'm about to tell you in no way erases what they've done.

One of the guitarists I lead worship with recently fell from some scaffolding at his job. It caused major damage to his scalp, a crushed ankle and a broken leg. His injuries are significant and required more than one surgery. He is in very rough shape. His wife is a shift supervisor at the Wal-Mart in my town. Due to his accident, Wal-Mart gave her a year off to take care of him. With pay.

While I know that a year's salary for someone in her position is a drop in the bucket for a corporation like Wal-Mart, that made me happy.

I will still never shop there. But... I must give credit where credit is due.


kc bob said…
a year off to take care of him. With pay

Picking my jaw off of the ground.. maybe we don't really know the whole Wal-mart story?

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