The Joy of Celebration

It's quite cold here in the central part of the state. The wind is biting and chilling us to the bones. I've finally dug out my winter coat and searched in vain for my hat this morning. It's just as well... my hair looked too good to cover up anyway. Hee. It's now the first day of December and we still haven't had snow.

This time of the year usually offers a different kind of reflection for me. Part of it's the season of Christmas, and another is the wintery weather. But the biggest part of it, I think, is the busyness. We equate this time of year with rushing... through stores, to work, back home, at rehearsals, to church, to get-togethers and parties, to bible study... It is a busy time of year - but why is it busy? The most obvious answer is because we make it that way. Our choice lead to busyness. But for me, it's more than that. My reason for busyness is a little bit of a paradox.

The most hectic part of my life this Christmas season is my work at the church. Aside from my regular responsibilities, I'm directing a musical with a cast of 40 - small potatoes compared to what most directors are dealing with this time of year. But what is my reason for this extra "busyness" during an already busy time of year?

The celebration.

I don't direct a musical each Christmas because I'm expected to, or because I like to boss people around, or even because I enjoy the process. I do it because I want to celebrate Christmas.

The show we are doing this year is centered around the theme of hope. It's takes place in 1941, the year of Pearl Harbor, and we watch a woman who's husband is in the Air Force, watch, wonder and wait for him to come home for the holidays. By the end of the show she's realized that dreams don't always work out the way we want them to - sometimes so God can make a bigger dream. Maybe even so God can suprise us. It's hard to accept sometimes, but it's joyful to know that God has something for us, even if it's not what we want.

It's reminders like these why I choose busyness. I need them. As always, God teaches me something through the process. (That's another celebration for me, by the way.) But I must be careful to never allow the busyness to overcome the occasion, as I refuse to become like my grandmother, who always let the preparations of family gathering overtake the joy that came from seeing everyone. The celebration of Christ's birth? Is why I love Christmas. It's why I celebrate.

May your hectic Christmas season be one of celebration, joy and peace.

Now I'm going to have a cup of coffee.

What I'm listening to: City on a Hill's It's Christmas Time
What I'm reading: Robert Whitlow's The Sacrifice


kc bob said…
I like this "be careful to never allow the busyness to overcome the occasion.

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