Change: What is it Good For?

Ever have one of those days where you promise yourself it will be different than the last, only to fall back into your normal routine and fail at that fail miserably (and let's face it, somewhat deliberately)?

Case in point: I've had a book on my shelf for...well, I'm actually a little afraid to admit how many years, entitled I Really Want to Change - So Help Me God by James MacDonald. I remember being so excited about the book when I first purchased it, but here it is years later and I haven't so much as attempted the first chapter.

The biggest change I've been part of the last few years is the change in worship style at my church. Which, admittedly, is a big deal, but it seemed to take forever and once it happened, it didn't really feel like much had changed. Probably due to my gradual introduction of new songs and other instruments accompanying those songs. But is change best when it's gradual? Or is it best to go the whole way, to the fullest extent, immediately?

This is not a fully-processed thought, but perhaps posting something about it will remind me to revisit this later. (Perhaps slowly, at a gradual pace.)

*Slinks away from the keyboard...tongue in cheek*

What I'm listening to: Happy Christmas Vol. 4


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