
What I'm listening to: Waterdeep's Live at the New Earth

I'm not called to be a worship leader.

Not that ever felt 100% confident to be worship leader...because if God spoke to me in a still, small voice or a loud boom, I completely missed it. Wouldn't be the first time.

However, I know I'm called to lead worship in the place on at at this time, but I'm certain I'm not called to do this forever. Don't get me wrong, I love to lead worship. It's a pleasure and joy to do what I do with the people I do it with. I'm just not called to it.One of the reasons I feel called to lead worship at this time and place is not just a matter of worship. It's about church health.

So this little epiphany (if you will) is not a huge surprise, but in a way it kind of is. God's done a lot to surprise me these last few years and maybe I always thought in the back of my mind that even though I didn't feel called to lead worship didn't mean God wouldn't bring me to that place at a later time.

But my passion isn't music nor is it leading worship. I do have a great passion of worship, but I believe in the importance of separating the two.

So what am I passionate about? I haven't fully been able to articulate it yet. I know what it is, and I know what I want to accomplish, but I'm unsure of what step to take next. So that will come at a later time. But it's nice this passion, it's nice. Nice to finally have something burn deep inside my heart that for once has nothing to do with my own selfishness. So, I say bring it on. Bring on the burn.


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