I'm frustrated!

I've been to a lot of sporting events and a lot of ceremonies where the American Anthem was played. Not once did I place my hand over my heart. I haven't done that since I said the pledge of allegiance in high school.

I guess that makes me an unpatriotic Muslim running for president.

In all seriousness, I am SO tired of getting emails about Barack Obama. The ignorance with which it is forwarded drives me crazy. It makes me want to make up an outlandish story about someone then forward it to all my friends as if it were gospel, just to see how long it takes to get back to me.

I love this country and the people in it, but man... we are ignorant sometimes.


Bar L. said…
I think you should do conduct an experiment and make up a story about the people that keep sending you those emails!
kc bob said…
I do think it is ignorance.. but sometimes wonder how willfull that ignorance is :(

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