A Small Glimpse

Tonight I got a small glimpse into my life if am able to go into full-time ministry. And it was good.

Wednesday has been church night for me for as long as I can remember. AWANA, youth group, praise team rehearsals, you name it I've done it. Tonight I was there for three reasons: the typical - praise team rehearsal. We meet at 8:15 once youth group is over because our drummer is still in high school. I was also there because the AWANA commander asked if I would lead "counsel time" tonight, which is a short 10 minutes lesson for the kids. Then I was working with some high school students on a sketch they are doing (see the bottom video on my side bar - we are re-creating that).

Counsel time was fun. I did a simple lesson about God's word being a lamp unto our feet and a light until our path by cutting stones out of paper and making a pathway. I talked about how we don't always know which stones to step on because they can be wet and slippery. Then we turned the lights out to demonstrate how walking in the dark is unsafe. Then I turned on a flash light and had some of the kids turn the stones over to see words I wrote on the back like "love" "hate" "joy" "cheating" "patience" "selfishness" "giving" etc. It illustrated that the light of God's word shows us which path to take. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. -Psalm 119:105. It was simple, yet I had such a good time with it.

But the kicker of my night came when I worked with some high school students on the Lifehouse sketch.

The Lifehouse sketch is one that I love. (Take a few minutes to watch it if you have time.) The classic battle between good and evil is made relevant and modern, and it adds an emotional punch without being cheesy or over-the-top. And every time Jesus steps in to fight? My heart stops because I know what that feels like. Tonight as I showed the kids how to fight and struggle I was reminded of one of my favorite moments in literature - the moment when Peter is fighting the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and it's back and forth and seemingly has no end. He's fighting and just can't defeat her, then with a roar Aslan steps in and takes the White Witch down. And just like the Lifehouse sketch, my heart stops in that moment. My hearts stops... in relief.

I don't have to fight my sin alone, and if I tried I would fail. Jesus steps in for me, gives me strength to overcome my sin, and reminds me he's got my back. And to share that with a few high schoolers at my church is amazing opportunity and awesome experience I cherish with all my heart.

My heart is full of joy and I am grateful for his love.


Friar Tuck said…
Good to see you are blogging too.
stephanie said…
Good to see you blogging as well! Thanks for stopping by.
kc bob said…
Methinks that you are already in full-time ministry.. just haven't figured out a way to buy groceries from it yet.. but you will..

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