A Worship Leader's Responsibility

Over the last several months I've been specifically thinking about the responsibility of a worship leader. Beyond the physical aspects of choosing music, organizing teams, planning the projection of songs, leading devotions at rehearsals, etc. I've been slightly erratic in my thought process - it seems to always be in the back of my mind, but I have yet to really sit down, write and think in a logical way. So this post is the beginning of that for me.

Beyond all that I mentioned above, I've been concerned that there aren't clear, established perimeters for me in the position I'm in- when I stand up front on Sunday mornings with my guitar and lead the worship part of our service. I posted a little bit about it here and looking back I'm wondering if I haven't been taking my position a little too lightly.

What is my responsibility? And the nagging question that popped into my head tonight: Is the lack of spiritual growth in a worship leader at all reflected on the lack of spiritual growth in the congregation?

I have no desire to elevate the level or a worship leader position to take on that kind of responsibility. We have to place a large portion of it on the individual person. But if I'm considered to be a leader in the church and I have no spiritual growth, is the congregation stagnant because of that? And likewise, with the others leaders of the church - elder, chairmen, sunday school teachers, etc.

I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact reason for a fear of moving forward in my church. It's there. Maybe not in everyone, but it's there. I think it might be because moving forward means vulnerability. And like the song I'm listening to now, it asks Are we happy plastic people/Under shiny plastic steeples/With walls around our weakness/And smiles to hide our pain? Is my church afraid to show who they really are for fear of judgment and behind-their-back whispering?

I'm so afraid that it is. And I don't know how I can fix it. Because I feel this way, I'm worried that it's in some way my responsibility to do so.


Anonymous said…
I don't know if you are still the worship leader. But I came across your blog and I must say, I completely understand your position.

I have recently become the praise and worship leader of my church and I'm frightened. For 10 minutes every 3rd Sabbath it is my responsibility to be the instrument of the Holy Ghost.

I realized that this was a huge responsibility and initially did not take the role. However I found myself being drawn into the posiiton. Now, I plead with the Father to help me to be an able vessel.

I say this to you: Let Him use you. Don't be afraid to let Him do what He does best. Open your heart and allow His anointing to spill out and change the lives of those in the congregation. My prayers are with you. Blessings.

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