A Fragrance

Everyone has their own fragrance

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:1

We had a bridal shower for one of my roommates last month. One of the things we did in lieu of cheesy bridal shower games (Megan hates them, and she is, after all, the bride!) was write a note of encouragement or prayer to her. We all shared ours, then rolled them up to put into a wine bottle, for her to keep.

As I was contemplating what to write to this woman I've only known for a couple of months, I was drawn to this verse in Ephesians. Not just because Megan is an imitator of Christ, but be because of what it's like to be in her presence. She is the epitome of what it means to have a breath of fresh air comes into the room. And I started wondering if everyone has their own fragrance. Not in an actual way... in more of a metaphorical way.

Maybe your best friend reminds you of that perfect smell right before it's about to rain. Mine does. Rain is my favorite weather phenomenon; Lindsey is just my favorite phenomenon. (If you ever get the chance to meet her, you'll understand what I mean.)

My dad's actual smell is nothing... he doesn't wear cologne or aftershave. But when I'm with him, there is a fragrance of oil and dirt - two things that are representative of how he spent his life. The dirt he toiled for years and years farming the land to grow corn to feed cattle and soybeans to feed America. The oil represents his passion later in life, after his strokes and his retirement - restoring classic cars and tractors.

With mom, I smell cinnamon. She loves that flavor of gum and the smell of nearly every candle in her house has this scent. But I smell cinnamon in her presence because she is spicy, unexpected and has that certain "je ne sais qua". Often, when you are tasting a lovely baked treat and can't quite figure out why it tastes so good, it's because it has cinnamon in it. My mom is the same way.

With my cousin Meredith, I smell lilies. Soft and fragrant but not too strong in scent, a lily is the most surprising of flowers to me. Just like there are over 100 species of lilies, there are many aspects to Meredith (may more than 100). Each time you talk with her or read her blog, you cannot help but be surprised. She grows in Christ like a lily blooms, up and out and isn't afraid to share that with the world. I believe lilies are the most beautiful of flowers, just as Meredith is a most beautiful and wonderful woman of God.

Just think about fragrance next time you are in the presence of a loved one. You won't see them the same again.


Meredith said…
totally crying right now! love you cuz!

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