I feel my heart bursting out of my chest and suddenly I cannot stop myself. The words pour out of me,racing from my brain to my heart to the fingers and onto my computer and It's like I just threw up. I long for those burstings. Those moments I just cannot contains and words are so important, feelings too explosive, and meaning too valuable to stay inside me. To be inspired is far too often a rare thing for me, to be inspiring is what I long for all day long. For inspiration to hit... for it to fall through me like a rock falling off a 20 story building... it can be unstoppable. Which also means it can hurt. I've had moments where my words are pain to others. Nights where my heart has rushed out onto my computer screen and the next thing I know, I've undone a friendship. Where is the line between letting my words speak the truth and keeping those words contained? Where is that place where I can be certain that this inspiration is something tha...