blogging thru Scary Close - chapters 15 and 16
“You complete me” is the line that lost me in the movie Jerry McGuire . It’s just such a ridiculous concept. Having this expectation of another person is CRAZY. I mean it. Downright crazy. But it sounds so romantic . This whole idea that getting married will take away so much of your hurt and your brokenness and make you satisfied and whole… But we live in a broken world! With broken people! That’s just not going to happen... Why don’t we get this?!? Don writes in chapter 15 about the significance of knowing who you are and letting the other person be themselves. “…and the sleepless nights I’ve spent wondering what they were thinking or how much they liked me or whether I was a good enough man for them. A complete waste of time.” (pg. 207) Thinking back to chapter 14, it’s no wonder relationships don’t work out for people who are so worried what the other was thinking about them or whether they were good enough. That’s not about building something together. It...