This is my last semester of seminary. And probably my most challenging and busy. I'm working 25 a week for the church, and am the TA grader for the head of the education department (which is about 5 more hours a week). I have 10 hours of classes (and not terrible easy classes, either) AND I have to do my capstone. Capstone is this school's choice for finishing up your master's degree. Some school have you do a thesis paper, which focuses on a single subject encompassing for field of study. CTS has us do a capstone, which involves assembling a portfolio of the last year a half of assignments and re-visiting them. Sometimes that means re-doing the project, sometimes it means reflecting on the assinment in light of experiences since then, or using Wiggin's F acets of Understanding , and perhaps using Bloom's Taxonomy to see the value of an assignment. There are various ways this can work. Then I write a paper on what my philosophy of education is, and give a presentat...