I'm That Girl
I'm that girl who won't leave the house without her makeup, for fear someone will think less of her. I’m that girl who is ashamed of most of the clothes she wears.... because they aren't expensive or nice. I'm that girl who judges people who don't have nice or expensive clothes. I’m that girl who struggles with being real with herself, others, and God. I'm that girl who will do almost anything to get people to like her. I’m that girl who lost a job 10 years ago because of a big stupid mistake. I’m that girl who could lose almost everything if she thinks she’s beyond a stupid mistake. I’m that girl who feels like a sham because everyone comes to her for advice when secretly she's thinking "Who in the world am I to be giving anyone advice?" I’m that girl who loves to check her stat counter because she feels like it means she is important and has something to say. I’m that girl who thinks that if she does everything perfectly people won't notice h...